Publishing your work: advice from a scientific editor
Models and Insights into Long COVID
Host-Focused Approaches to Investigating Virus Emergence
Defining Spike Correlates of Coronavirus Emergence
Adjuvants strategies for injectable and mucosal subunit vaccines
Adjuvants strategies for injectable and mucosal subunit vaccines
Mitochondria as drug target : From parasites to virus
Vaccine and antibody discovery targeting influenza virus neuraminidase
生体分子凝集体と遺伝子制御:スーパーエンハンサーから染色体外DNAへ Biomolecular Condensate and Gene Regulation: from Super-enhancer to Extrachromosomal
Current Status and Future Strategies of Poultry Vaccines
Causal Modelling of Spatio-Temporal Epidemiological and Clinical Data
Unveiling the protective role of ribosomal RNA against auto-immunity
"Innate lymphoid cells: development, differentiation, dynamics"「自然リンパ球:発生、分化、動態」
The roles of cell proteins that interact with Human papillomavirus during virus entry
Digging for Meaning in the Big Data of Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics
The role of endogenous "non-self" elements in the chronic inflammation and aging 内在的「非自己」の慢性炎症および老化における役割

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