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2014年 2015年 2016年 2017年
原著論文 総説・図書(英文)
A01. 幹細胞の維持と老化 A02. 幹細胞の老化と疾患
A01. 幹細胞の維持と老化
  1. Nishida Y, Maeda A, Kim MJ, Cao L, Kubota Y, Ishizawa J, Rawi AN, Kato Y, Iwama A, Fujisawa M, Matsue K, Weetall M, Dumble M, Andreeff M, Davis TW, Branstrom A, Kimura S *Kojima K. The novel BMI-1 inhibitor PTC596 downregulates MCL-1 and induces p53-independent mitochondrial apoptosis in acute myeloid leukemia progenitor cells. Blood Cancer J. 7:e527. 2017.
  2. Hasegawa N, Oshima M, Sashida G, Matsui H, Koide S, Saraya A, Wang C, Muto T, Takane K,Kaneda A, Shimoda K, Nakaseko C, Yokote K, *Iwama A. Impact of combinatorial dysfunctions of Tet2 and Ezh2 on the epigenome in the pathogenesis of myelodysplastic syndrome. Leukemia. 31:861-871. 2017.
  3. Nakayama Y., Masuda Y., Ohta H., Tanaka T., Washida M., Nabeshima Y., Miyake A., Itoh N., Konishi M.* Fgf21 regulates T-cell development in the neonatal and juvenile thymus. Sci Rep. in press
  4. Takikawa, M, Tarumoto, Y, Ishikawa, F. (2017). Fission yeast Stn1 is crucial for semi-conservative replication at telomeres and subtelomeres. Nucleic Acids Res. 45:1255-1269.
  5. Loo TM, Kamachi F, Watanabe Y, Yoshimoto S, Kanda H, Arai Y, Nakajima-Takagi Y, Iwama A, Koga T, Sugimoto Y, Ozawa T, Nakamura M, Kumagai M, Watashi K, Taketo M. M., Aoki T, Narumiya S, Oshima M, Arita M, Hara E and *Ohtani N. (2017) Gut microbiota promotes obesity-associated liver cancer through PGE2-mediated suppression of antitumor immunity. Cancer Discovery. 7:522-538.
  1. Sueta D, Ito M, Uchiba M, Sakamoto K, Yamamoto E, Izumiya Y, Kojima S, Kaikita K, Shinriki S, Hokimoto S, Matsui H, Tsujita K. A case of pulmonary thromboembolism due to coagulation factor V Leiden in Japan ~Usefulness of next generation sequencing~. Thromb. J. 15:8. 2017.
  2. Okuda H, Stanojevic B, Kanai A, Kawamura T, Takahashi S, Matsui H, Takaori-Kondo A, Yokoyama A. Cooperative gene activation by AF4 and DOT1L drives MLL-rearranged leukemia. J. Clin. Invest. 127:1918-1931. 2017.
  3. Sugino N, Kawahara M, Tatsumi G, Kanai A, Matsui H, Yamamoto R, Nagai Y, Fujii S, Shimazu Y, Hishizawa M, Inaba T, Andoh A, Suzuki T, Takaori-Kondo A. A novel LSD1 inhibitor NCD38 ameliorates MDS-related leukemia with complex karyotype by attenuating leukemia programs via activating super-enhancers. Leukemia. 2017. [Epub ahead of print]
  4. Hasegawa N, Oshima M, Sashida G, Matsui H, Koide S, Saraya A, Wang C, Muto T, Takane K, Kaneda A, Shimoda K, Nakaseko C, Yokote K, Iwama A. Impact of combinatorial dysfunctions of Tet2 and Ezh2 on the epigenome in the pathogenesis of myelodysplastic syndrome. Leukemia. 31: 861-871. 2017.
  5. Tokue M, Ikami K, Mizuno S, Takagi C, Miyagi A, Takada R, Noda C, Kitadate Y, Hara K, Mizuguchi H, Sato T, Taketo MM, Sugiyama F, Ogawa T, Kobayashi S, Ueno N, Takahashi S, Takada S, *Yoshida S. (2017) SHISA6 Confers Resistance to Differentiation-Promoting Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling in Mouse Spermatogenic Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reports. 8:561-575.
  6. Hamazaki N, Nakashima K, *Imamura T. (2017). Manipulation of Promoter-Associated Noncoding RNAs in Mouse Early Embryos for Controlling Sequence-Specific Epigenetic Status. Methods Mol Biol. 1543: 271-282.
  7. Kawano Y, Fukui C, Shinohara M, Wakahashi K, Ishii S, Suzuki T, Sato M, Asada N, Kawano H, Minagawa K, Sada A, Furuyashiki T, Uematsu S, Akira S, Uede T, Narumiya S, Matsui T, *Katayama Y. (2017). G-CSF-induced sympathetic tone provokes fever and primes anti-mobilizing functions of neutrophils via PGE2. Blood. 129:587-597.