
Our Research

UTOPIA 43 Interviews Vol. 17 Cevayir COBAN
Malaria Research Beyond Borders: Protecting People around the Globe

Malaria Immunology Video. Meet Prof. Coban and the Lab Members

The Malaria Immunology Laboratory has been established in 2010 at the Immunology Research Center (IFReC), Osaka University and has been continuing its research and educational activities since 2019 at the Institute of Medical Science (IMSUT), the University of Tokyo.

Malaria is responsible for the deaths of over half-a-million people and infecting over 300 million people every year. The Plasmodium parasites responsible for the disease have a complex life cycle which involves both a vertebrate (mammal) and invertebrate (Anopheles mosquito) host. The parasites have evolved many strategies that allow them to evade the host immune system. On the other hand, the coordination of both innate and adaptive immune system is important against malaria (for a recent review Nature Reviews Immunology, 2018). To comprehensively understand host and parasite interactions and the pathology caused by malaria we use mouse malaria models and genetically-modified mice lacking a variety of genes and several imaging and immunological techniques (see Publications). Our ultimate goal is to develop new strategies such as new drugs or vaccines from our basic as well as translational research outcomes to protect, eradicate as well as ease the long term burden caused Plasmodium spp in the host.

Our studies have been supported by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS, KAKENHI), the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.





マラリア原虫は宿主の免疫システムを回避するための多様な戦略を進化させてきました。一方で、マラリアに対して、自然免疫と獲得免疫の調整が重要であることが分かっています。(Nature Reviews Immunology, 2018)



我々の研究は、国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)、日本学術振興(JSPS, 科学研究費補助金)、国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構(AMED)、ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団の支援を受けています。