Research Achievements

A wealth of achievements in cancer research

We are carrying on cancer research at various levels from genome to mouse models. Recent activities are focused on the Wnt signaling, chromatin regulation, and mouse models of colorectal and biliary tract cancer.


Member Introduction

Friendly and kind members

The members are friendly and kind, and the atmosphere is calm and warm. We have good communication among the teachers and students, and a lot of collaborations with other laboratories. Staff members provide educational and helpful advices and assistance.


Research contents

From the analysis of carcinogenesis to clinical application

We perform not only the elucidation of human carcinogenesis but also the development of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer. Application of artificial intelligence in the analysis of genome is underway.



2024.4.16 Information
Our paper elucidating the relationship between Wnt signaling and amino acid metabolism in liver cancer by Ms.Nakagawa, a doctor-course student, and others was accepted in "Communications Biology".
Our laboratory participated in the graduate school admission information session for the academic year 2025.
Ms. Nakagawa and Dr. Yamaguchi, an associate professor in our laboratory presented their data in AACR Annual Meeting 2024.
2024.1.10 Information
Our paper elucidating epigenetic changes in pseudomyxoma Pperitonei by Ms.Cai, a doctor-course student, and others was accepted in "Oncology".
A year-end party was held in our laboratory.
2023.12.5 Information
Our paper showing the regulatory mechanism of PVRL4 over-expression in breast cancer was published in "Oncology Report".
2023.10.27 Information
Our paper related to the establishment of fused organoid by the co-culture of patient-derived pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells with mesenchymal and vascular endothelial cells derived from human induced-pluripotent stem cells was accepted for publication in “Cell Reports”.
2023.10.18 Information
Our paper clarifying that genetic analysis of liquid-based cytology samples increased the sensitivity of screening for endometrial neoplasms was accepted for publication in “BJC Reports”.
Ms. Nakagawa and Ms. Cai, two graduate students, Dr. Yamaguchi, an associate professor, and Dr. Takane, an assistant professor in our laboratory presented their data in JCA annual meeting 2023 (On site).
2023.9.4 Information
A case report of transdifferentiation of HER2-positive cervical squamous cancer to adenocarcinoma of peritoneal metastasis was published in “BJC Reports”.
Ms. Nakagawa, a student in our group, participated in Life Science Summer School in Niigata.
2023.8.11 Information
Our paper elucidating the regulatory mechanism of PVRL4 over-expression in breast cancer by Mr. Nanamiya, a doctor-course student, and others was accepted in "Oncology Reports".
2023.7.20 Information
Our paper showing the role of LONRF2 in neuronal cells and its involvement in neurodegenerative disease in mice was published in "Nature Aging".
2023.7.20 Information
Our paper revealing that KMT2C mutations plays a crucial role in the malignant phenotype of high-grade fetal adenocarcinoma of the lung through the abrogation of homologous recombination repair was accepted for publication in "Translational Lung Cancer Research".
2023.7.18 Information
Our paper showing the involvement of TLR7 in the development of histiocytosis in Slc29a3-knockout mice was published in "Journal of Experimental Medicine".
A farewell party was held for Ms. Isobe, a research assistant in our laboratory.
Ms. Cai, a student in our group, presented her data in Life Science Symposium 2023 in Tokyo University.
2023.6.1 Information
Our paper showing that PRC1.1 plays a vital role in the coordination of homeostatic and emergency myelopoiesis was accepted for publication in "eLife".
Mr. Okawara, a student in our group, presented his data in the Meeting of Institutional Achievements 2023.
A welcome party was held for Mr. Takahiro Oshina, Mr. Kento Katsuma, Ms. Momoa Konno, and Ms. Mie Sa.
2023.4.10 Information
Our paper entitled "Bromodomain protein BRD8 regulates cell cycle progression in colorectal cancer cells through a TIP60-independent regulation of the pre-RC complex" was published in "iScience".
2023.4.7 Information
Our paper entitled "Visinin-like 1, a novel target gene of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, is involved in apoptosis resistance in colorectal cancer" by Mr. Tage, an ex-master-course student, was accepted for publication in "Cancer Medicine".
Two new students, Mr. Takahiro Oshina (a doctor-course student in Graduate School of Medicine) and Ms.Momoa Konno (a master-course student in Graduate School of Frontier Sciences), and a research student, Ms.Mie Sa, joined in our laboratory.
A farewell party was held for Associate Professor Ikenoue.
Prof Furukawa presented his research data in IMSUT NY Seminar 2023.
2023.2.8 - 2.9
Ms. Nakagawa, a student in our group, presented her data in Outcome Presentation Meeting 2022 of Advanced Animal Model Support (on site).
2022.12.28 - 12.29
We held CBMS Practice and Seminar Course "Finding your physical constitution by genetic analysis" in our laboratory, Five 2nd grade students participated in the course.
2022.12.3 Information
Our paper related to a novel transcriptional regulation through the ERK-mediated phosphorylation of NEFL-A was published in “Nature Communications”.
Mr. Nanamiya, a graduate student in our group, presented his data in MBSJ 2022 at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
2022.11.9 Information
Our paper of ODAM and Wnt-signaling achieved by Senior Assistant Prof. Yamaguchi, was published in "Cancer Science".
2022.11.2 Information
Our paper related to senescense and immune-checkpoint surveillance was published in “Nature”.
Ms. Nakagawa, a student in our group, and Prof Furukawa presented their data in the 21th. East Asia Joint Symposium (Online).
Ms. Nakagawa, Ms. Cai, Mr. Nanamiya, graduate students in our group, Associate Prof Ikenoue, and Senior Assistant Prof. Yamaguchi presented their data in JCA annual meeting 2022 (Hybrid).
Mr. Nanamiya, a student in our group, presented his data in Life Science Symposium 2022 in Tokyo University.
Our laboratory moved to the renovated 3rd building.
Ms. Cai, a student in our group, presented her data in the Meeting of Institutional Achievements 2022 (Online).
2022.5.17 Information
Our paper of MOSPD1 and Wnt-signaling achieved by Ms. Horie, a doctor-course student, was accepted in "Oncology Letter ".
Mr. Yuya Okawara, a new master-course student (in Graduate School of Frontier Sciences), joined in our laboratory.
A ceremony of research completion and farewell party for two graduates was held in our laboratory.
A year-end party was held in our laboratory.
2021.11.11 Information
Our paper related to the protective effect of anti-TLR7 antibody against lupus nephritis was published in " Frontiers in Immunology ".
Associate Prof Ikenoue presented his data in the 66th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Human Genetics.
2021.9.30 - 10.2
Drs. Ikenoue and Takane, and graduate students, Horie, Nakagawa, Cai, Nanamiya, and Tage presented their data in JCA annual meeting 2022 (Hybrid).
2021.9.13 Information
Our paper of the involvement of IDH1/IDH2 mutations in intrahepatic cholengiocarcinogenesis achieved by Mr. Liu, a doctor-course student, was published in "ProS One ".
2021.9.8 Information
Our paper related to the development of myelofibrosis was published in "Leukemia".
2021.6.9 Information
Our paper related to the development of a new base calling system was published in "Bioinformatics".
Mr. Tage, a student in our group, presented his data in the Meeting of Institutional Achievements 2021 (Online).
2021.5.6 Information
Our paper related to the genetic analysis of Lynch syndrome using a nanopore sequencer was published in "Journal of Human Genetics".
Ms. Nakagawa, a research fellow in our group, presented her data in AACR annual meeting 2021 (Online).
Mr. Sou Kasuga, a new doctor-course student (in Graduate School of Medicine), joined in our laboratory.
2021.3.23 Information
Our paper related to the involvement of mutant ASXL1 in clonal hematopoiesis through the activation of AKT/mTOR signaling was published in "Nature Communications".
2021.2.9 Information
Our paper related to changes of bacterial flora and bacteriophages by the transfusion of feces was published in "Gastroenterology".
2021.1.15 Information
Our paper related to involvement of GLS1 encoding an enzyme of glutamine metabolism in the maintenance of senescent cells was published in "Science".
2021.1.5 Information
Our paper related to an optimized protocol for the generation of stem cells has been published in "Stem Cells".
Ms. Nakagawa, a student in our group, presented her data in the Meeting of Institutional Achievements 2020 (Online).
2020.11.3 Information
Our paper related to a model mouse for the detection of senescent cells was published in "Cell Metabolism".
Mr. Liu. Ms. Horie, and Ms. Nakagawa, students in our group, presented their data in the 79th. JCA annual meeting (Online).
2020.7.10 Information
Our paper related to bacteriophages in the enteric bacteria in Japanese bowel was published in "Cell Host & Microbe".
Ms. Tingwei Cai, Mr. Tomoyuki Nanamiya, and Mr. Hiroko Tage, three new master-course students (in Graduate School of Frontier Sciences), joined in our laboratory.
2020.1.7 Information
Our review article related to the screening of Wnt inhibitors was published in "Cancer Science".
A year-end party was held in an Italian restaurant around Ebisu.
2019.10.7 Information
Our paper of Lynch syndrome achieved by a collaborative study with the Japanese society for cancer of the colon and rectum has been published in "Journal of Human Genetics".
2019.9.26/27 Information
Mr. Liu, and Ms. Horie, doctor-course students in our group, presented their results in the 78th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association.
2019.8.1 Information
Students of Shuyukan High School in Fukuoka visited our laboratory.
2019.7.27 Information
A summar school for parents-and-children was held by the collaboration with our group and Health Intelligence Center in our institute.
2019.7.10 Information
Our manuscript of the study of new regulatory mechanism of Wnt signaling pathway has been published in "Oncogene".
2019.5.31 Information
Ms. Horie, a doctor-course student in our group, presented a poster in the 46th IMSUT-Founding Commemorative Symposium.
2019.5.25 Information
Our study in collaboration with a group in Mayo Clinic was accepted for publication in "Pharmacogenetics and Genomics".
2019.5.14 Information
Our paper on the study of Polymerase Proofreading-Associated Polyposis has been published in "Journal of Human Genetics".
2019.4.22 Information
We would welcome the visit of candidates for the master/doctor course of 2020. Please make an appointment in advance. The e-mail address is described below.
2019.4.18 Information
Our manuscript of the study of new regulatory mechanism of Wnt signaling pathway was accepted for publication in "Oncogene".
2019.4.18 Information
A renewal of our homepage was performed. The homepage is also avaiable on smart phones.

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