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  2. お問い合わせ内容確認/Preview
  3. お問い合わせ受付完了/Done

お問い合わせ内容/Inquiries or comments


  • 研究成果以外の一般的な医科学に関するご質問は、受け付けておりません。
  • 個人の病気や治療に関するお問い合わせには一切対応できませんので、受診して医師にご相談ください。

If you have any inquiries or comments regarding the website of IMSUT, please enter your message into this form.
As detailed below, certain kinds of inquiries will not receive a response, and responses may be delayed for others.

  • Questions regarding general medical science outside our research findings will not be answered.
  • We cannot respond to inquiries related to personal illness or treatment.
    For such concerns, please visit IMSUT Hospital and consult a doctor directly.

We ask for your understanding regarding this matter.

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All inquiries are transmitted securely via SSL encryption.


The information you provide via this form will be used only to allow us to answer your inquiry.
For the management of personal information in our university, please refer to the following.
"The University of Tokyo Rules on the Procedures for the Appropriate Management of Personal Information Retained by the University" (Japanese language only)別ウィンドウで開く

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