
Adenovirus targeting technologies and its application to the development of pancreatic cancer-targeted oncolytic viruses.

Joint Research Seminar

Event Information

Date and Time 7/26/2022 (TUE) 14:00 ~ 15:00
Venue Onsite-Online Hybrid (IMSUT Auditorium / Zoom) (If you'd like to participate in this seminar via Zoom, please contact katoa[at]ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Speaker Masato Yamamoto
Affiliation/Position Adenovirus targeting technologies and its application to the development of pancreatic cancer-targeted oncolytic viruses.
Country United States of America
Title Adenovirus targeting technologies and its application to the development of pancreatic cancer-targeted oncolytic viruses.
Language Japanese (most slides are in English)
Organizer Takashi Okada


We have been developing technologies for adenovirus targeting. Through the studies for infectivity enhancement for adenovirus-receptor negative cancer cells, promoter-based controlled of virus replication control for cancer specificity, and realization of selective infection by using our novel adenovirus library technology, we have been developing several promising virunses/vectors for clinical translation. In this seminar, we will introduce possibility of adenovirus targeting technologies mainly via our research advances.