
TGF-beta Superfamily Signaling Pathways Throughout Development



2005年開催 学友会セミナー

開催日時: 平成17年7月4日(月) 10:00~11:30
開催場所: 1号館2階会議室
講  師: Martin M. Matzuk, MD, PhD
所  属: Departments of Pathology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Molecular and Human Genetics, and Developmental Biology Program, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX USA
演  題: TGF-beta Superfamily Signaling Pathways Throughout Development
概  要:

It is now possible to modify the mouse genome to generate transgenic mice with precise genetic mutations, and thousands of such models have now been created. For over a decade, our laboratory has been using knockout and knockin transgenic mouse studies to define TGF-beta superfamily signaling pathways and function. In our efforts to understand reproduction in vivo, we have produced transgenic knockout models for studying TGFb superfamily ligands (e.g., growth differentiation factor 9, bone morphogenetic protein 15, activins, and inhibins), a ligand binding protein (e.g., follistatin), a receptor (e.g., ACVR2), a putative downstream receptor binding protein (e.g., FKBP12), downstream SMADs (e.g., SMAD5), and a downstream target (e.g., pentraxin 3). These investigations have revealed that TGF-beta superfamily ligands, receptors, SMADs, and upstream and downstream regulators function in diverse developmental and physiological pathways. We are extending our studies by using new technology such as Cre-loxP strategies to address the in vivo roles of these and additional proteins in mammalian reproduction.

世 話 人: ○高次機能研究分野 中内 啓光 再生基礎医科学寄附研究部門 渡辺 すみ子