
Structure and function of the tetrameric restriction endonucleases



2002年開催 学友会セミナー

開催日時: 2002年7月8日(月)17:00 ~ 18:00
開催場所: 東京大学医科学研究所 アムジェン大会議室
講  師: Dr. Virginijus Siksnys
所  属: Institute of Biotechnology, Vilnius, Lithuania
演  題: Structure and function of the tetrameric restriction endonucleases
概  要:

It is thought that most of Type II restriction enzymes function as dimmers. However, experimental evidence demonstrates that some of them are arranged and function as tetramers. Crystal structures of the tetrameric restriction enzymes Cfr10I, NgoMIV and Bse634I solved by us will be discussed and correlations between the oligomeric state of enzyme and its catalytic function will be provided.

世 話 人: 小林 一三
伊庭 英夫