
Regulation of dendritic spine morphogenesis by the PDZ domain-containing protein afadin/AF6 and the Rac1-GEF kalirin



2003年開催 学友会セミナー

開催日時: 平成15年08月04日(月)  17:00~18:30
開催場所: 1号館2階会議室
講  師: Dr. Peter Penzes
所  属: ジョーンズホプキンス大・神経科学、Huganir Lab
演  題: Regulation of dendritic spine morphogenesis by the PDZ domain-containing protein afadin/AF6 and the Rac1-GEF kalirin
概  要:

Changes in the number and shape of dendritic spines during development and plasticity are important for the formation of neuronal circuits and synaptic plasticity. We previously identified the Rac1-GEF kalirin-7 as a key regulator of spine morphogenesis and showed that kalirin is regulated by EphB2 receptors. We report that the protein afadin/AF6, a component of adherent junctions, and a binding partner of EphB2, is also present in the dendritic spines of cultured hippocampal neurons, where it co-localizes with kalirin. Afadin/AF6 interacts with kalirin in brain and heterologous cells. When over-expressed in neurons, afadin/AF6 is targeted to spines and induces kalirin-dependent spine morphogenesis. We identified structural determinants of afadin/AF6 synaptic targeting and spine morphogenic activity which led us to potential mechanisms for upstream regulation.

世 話 人: 山本 雅、○真鍋 俊也